Relentless. Pursuit. [of progress.]
Team Taurus prides itself on offering an exclusive, premium-level service to everyday individuals, who may not have a competition in mind. Taurus Nutrition guides you every step of the way, utilising the most cutting-edge evidence-based practices to get you the body of your dreams.
1. Initial Consultation
• A 30-minute no-obligation Discovery Call (via Zoom).
• Meet Jake and find out what’s involved in Lifestyle Coaching with Taurus Nutrition.
• Discuss a range of topics including nutrition & training history.
• Discuss goal-setting.
• Create a roadmap / plan of attack.
2. Check-In Process
• Check-In with your coach and update them on your week. This is a perfect opportunity to ask your coach any detailed questions.
• Complete your Google Form check-in form on a weekly basis. You will track a multitude of metrics to get the most out of your progress, including:
Biofeedback (e.g., Energy, Mood, GI Stress, Mental Stress)
Body Weight
Step Count
Recovery Notes (e.g., Sleep Duration, Sleep Quality, Circadian Rhythm)
• Physique Updates are mandatory with EACH check-in.
3. Coaching Updates
• Receive Loom video feedback from your coach discussing your check-in and any relevant commentary/adjustments.
• You will receive customised training programs (delivered through TrainHeroic) which will accommodate for volume, intensity, frequency, exercise selection and your goals.
• Video analysis of training footage with relevant execution feedback available with each check-in.
• You will receive customised nutrition plans catered to your individual preferences. Plans are optimised to support micronutrition, microbial diversity and hormone status.
• Bloodwork analysis included (usually $199NZD/consult).
Exclusive to Contest Prep Coaching packages ONLY:
• GI Map analysis (RRP $299NZD/consult).
• Stack design & health analysis (RRP $99NZD/consult).
4. Cost
• $249 Sign Up
• $84.90/week afterwards
* all prices are in NZD/AUD and non-refundable.